Saturday, March 31, 2012


The full Moon hung low over the ocean, casting its pale beams across the beach like a celestial floodlight. It was a perfectly clear spring night, not a cloud in the sky.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


As the banner states, this will be an episodic novel, meaning that I will post each sub-chapter as I write it. Hopefully you will enjoy the story as it unfolds and continue reading along. If you do, feel free to say what you do or don't like about it in the comments section, because criticism, good or bad, will help me improve as a writer.

Tainted began life as a screenplay exactly 4 years ago, but after writing it, I realised that it was too short for a feature and too long for a short film. It sat on my hard drive "collecting dust" as I wondered what to do with it. I liked the idea too much to just scrap it. I considered re-writing it as a comic, but its focus on drama, rather than action or horror, didn't really suit the format. So here it rises again, to be resurrected with a prose translation, which I believe will end up better than the original. I hope you enjoy it.